Canada Day? What's that?

Around this time of year, Canadian ESL teachers' thoughts turn to just what our great country is all about. Our students, on the other hand, will need a little prodding.
This Canada Day (or any day for that matter), it might be nice to spread a little knowledge about our country. I've already listed some ideas for talking about Canadian culture and related resources here. A short but fun ESL quiz about Canada can be found here.
While teaching about one's country, there can be a temptation to go overboard and just start lecturing about every boring little detail that you can think of while students listen with practiced patience. A few discussion topics about Canada that might be fun:
1. Canada was "born" in 1867. It was a very different kind of place. Guess how it might have been different from today.
2. What are some popular sports in Canada?
3. Maple Syrup is a well-known Canadian product. What other products come from Canada?
4. What are some cliches or stereotypes about Canadians?
Happy Canada Day!
tags: Canada Day, teaching about Canada, Canadian popular, Canadian culture
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